Friday, December 5, 2014

China Airlines' Newest Jet

China is putting a spin on business class with its newest jet. Every little comfort detail you could come up with is now being offered on a plane. From a full bar to on flight entertainment this plane is the heaven of comfortable travel. Even though this is China catching up with others their plane is still amazing.

I would love to ride on a plane like this. I don't care if I'd have to fly to China and right back I'd enjoy the ride. Luxury is starting to become more and more standard so it’s nice to know that we have those options available to more people. 

Subliminal Sex Messages in Ads

A lot of ads we see pull us in in ways we don't actually notice. Whether they get bored, don't mean to or do it on purpose there are clearly ads with sexual references. Even though some of the time we see what we are looking for and we draw sexual references out of a block of ice others are intentional and obvious.

It's a little ridiculous some of the things people are saying are sexual references but others are blatantly obvious. There is no need to put those things on advertisements and it will do nothing but bring criticism from families. It’s got to be boring designing packaging all day but still it’s not going to get you anywhere but fired. 

Compelling Correlations That Make Absolutely No Sense

Business Insider took a look at very unalike situations and how they related. It’s very known that correlation doesn't prove causation but it’s very hard to say this is just a fluke. Of the 6 situations they looked at they all had a very high correlation coefficients which means they had a strong correlation.

Although some of these could have underlying causes such as weather or geography it is interesting to see how they relate. There are many things you would never pin together that actually match very strongly. I'm really just wondering how they found out these things or found statistics that match up so well.

How Netflix is Killing Cable

Over time, more and more cable users have been getting a Netflix subscription in addition. People want to watch their shows when they want and not have to worry about recording them. Slowly more channels are starting to offer subscriptions with Netflix. That means that people have less and less reasons to be tied their cable provider.

Netflix and other streaming providers are such an easier way to manage entertainment. As time goes on its hard to imagine life without TV. We are so used to sitting around and watching all the new shows live to see what happens. If the shows are just put out there everyone will know what happens before the end because you can just fast forward. I'm not sure how they would manage live TV like Sports and game shows but i can imagine that if Netflix adapted to handle that they would rule the TV industry.