Friday, December 5, 2014

China Airlines' Newest Jet

China is putting a spin on business class with its newest jet. Every little comfort detail you could come up with is now being offered on a plane. From a full bar to on flight entertainment this plane is the heaven of comfortable travel. Even though this is China catching up with others their plane is still amazing.

I would love to ride on a plane like this. I don't care if I'd have to fly to China and right back I'd enjoy the ride. Luxury is starting to become more and more standard so it’s nice to know that we have those options available to more people. 

Subliminal Sex Messages in Ads

A lot of ads we see pull us in in ways we don't actually notice. Whether they get bored, don't mean to or do it on purpose there are clearly ads with sexual references. Even though some of the time we see what we are looking for and we draw sexual references out of a block of ice others are intentional and obvious.

It's a little ridiculous some of the things people are saying are sexual references but others are blatantly obvious. There is no need to put those things on advertisements and it will do nothing but bring criticism from families. It’s got to be boring designing packaging all day but still it’s not going to get you anywhere but fired. 

Compelling Correlations That Make Absolutely No Sense

Business Insider took a look at very unalike situations and how they related. It’s very known that correlation doesn't prove causation but it’s very hard to say this is just a fluke. Of the 6 situations they looked at they all had a very high correlation coefficients which means they had a strong correlation.

Although some of these could have underlying causes such as weather or geography it is interesting to see how they relate. There are many things you would never pin together that actually match very strongly. I'm really just wondering how they found out these things or found statistics that match up so well.

How Netflix is Killing Cable

Over time, more and more cable users have been getting a Netflix subscription in addition. People want to watch their shows when they want and not have to worry about recording them. Slowly more channels are starting to offer subscriptions with Netflix. That means that people have less and less reasons to be tied their cable provider.

Netflix and other streaming providers are such an easier way to manage entertainment. As time goes on its hard to imagine life without TV. We are so used to sitting around and watching all the new shows live to see what happens. If the shows are just put out there everyone will know what happens before the end because you can just fast forward. I'm not sure how they would manage live TV like Sports and game shows but i can imagine that if Netflix adapted to handle that they would rule the TV industry.

Friday, November 21, 2014

What 9-13 Year Old Kids Think OF Facebook

As time goes on more and more kids re moving away from Facebook. It has become a predominately adult site. More and more kids are moving to Instagram or Tumblr and not even creating Facebook profiles at all. Some of them seem to think that when they become of age to get a profile that Facebook will be long gone.

I strongly agree with them. There is nothing to do on Facebook anymore. It is only a way to keep in touch with family and map out your life without the daily emotion really. More people use other sites away from the eyes of their families to do that. I only go on Facebook one in a blue moon to change my profile picture or check in. It is really an unnecessary distraction that will suck up all your time. The only thing teenagers really do on Facebook anymore is stalk other people.

Young Kids React to a Realistic Doll

Kids in a private elementary school were asked a series of questions then Shown tow dolls, a realistic one and a classic doll. As they looked at the realistic doll many of them commented how pretty she was and how she resembled their relatives and in some cases themselves. When asked about the life of this doll verses a classic one many of them said she looked like she could be a teacher or a pilot as opposed to fashion star.

I think it’s about time that a realistic doll was marketed. Our childhoods greatly affect our futures and if more little girls focused on fantasies such as becoming a teacher not a fashion star they would accomplish more. These girls can’t achieve all their fantasies when they are trying to be someone unobtainable and someone so very unhealthy. 

Three Men Who Make a Living Playing Video Games

Three roommates are making a living just by playing video games every day. Just like watching a TV show or listening to the radio, the audience is able to watch the guys play. A lot of viewers watch at work and find it very entertaining. The three guys are able to make a living off of this.

I think it would be really cool to make money from a hobby you love. If you enjoy playing video games and you are able to survive doing that then do it. I don't know how healthy or sustainable the job is but it sounds like fun. 

20 Year Old College Student is Considered 'The Best Technology Reviewer On The Planet'

Marques Brownlee is considered 'The Best Technology Reviewer on the Planet' thanks to his fame on YouTube. He stated off making videos of his gold=f swing for others to judge and slowly faded into tutorials and reviews of new technology. Over time his followers grew and so did his outreach. Many people find his videos informational interesting and well put together.

The creation of YouTube opened up many opportunities for people young and old to connect with others. For people like Marques it has taken them to a place they never could have reached without it. It has become a job for some and for others it is more of a hobby. At only 20 years old, Marques was able to help so many people with their technology and teach the world a little bit about how its tech works.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Stupidity Behind 'Eaten Alive'

The Discovery Channel is claiming to be working on a new show in which they will try to get a snake to swallow a live man. In a protective suit a scientist is to enter the snake and somehow be safely removed. This is pretty much physically impossible and very risky to the safety of the snake and the man. 

There is no need to try to perform such a stunt and it almost guarantees the death of the snake. The show would purely be for entertainment purposes and would provide no scientific information on snakes. People are such idiots and they want to do cool things for attention and recognition. They are paying no attention to the dangers and difficulties they would have to overcome.

Atari's Biggest Flop

In 1983 Atari came out with the game "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" which failed miserably. Atari was so ashamed that they were rumored to have collected all unsold games up and buried in the New Mexico desert. This was all just a rumor until the games were dug up by Microsoft recently to be sold on eBay. They can be purchased for anywhere between $100 to $800.

I think it’s funny how Atari's game that they were so ashamed about is now making a lot of money just because it was so bad. They tired to cover up their flop by literally burring it but it just made people more interested and brought attention to it. I don't think I’d ever pay that much for a bad game. 

Harvard Students Try To Pass Louisiana's 1964 Literacy Test

In order to vote in Louisiana in 1964 you had to score a 1000 on their timed literacy test. Recently the same test was given to Harvard students and it was made clear how ridiculously hard and impossible it was. It was basically an unspoken taunt at those who wanted nothing more than to have a say in their county. Their right t vote was being taken away by those who wanted t control the government.

I think the test is so insane. Today many more subtle challenges are in place to try to control voters and weigh outcomes of elections. The state is basically laughing in the face of those who want to vote and dangling it in front of their face. Everyone knew what was going on but it was just unspoken. 

Tesela's Early Hiring Ritual

When Tesla first started up many people laughed at the idea of high performance electrical cars and they set out to prove them wrong. When Malcolm Smith, one of Tesela's earliest employees rode in the tzero with co-creator Martin Eberhard he was blown away by the torque. When Eberhard asked him to touch the dashboard he took off before his hand got there. This demonstrated all that this incredible car and idea had to offer. This became a ritual with many early employees of the company before they were hired.  

The whole premise behind Tesla is incredible. They have been able to work with a new breed of car. The little game they used to play with early potential employees is very cool. Its a way to demonstrate the brand and get them hooked on the power. 

A Chick-fil-A Manager Bans Common Slang Words

Allegedly a Chick-fil-A manager posted a list of slang words that were banned in the workplace. The list included words like bae, bruh, fool and many more. The list encourages professionalism in the workplace and respect for others.

It seems as if the manager and employees have a good relationship. They are able to joke about the list while still presumably respecting it. Though the list may seem unreasonable it is important for a professional to use good language. A customer and coworker should be treated with the up-most respect.

Man Trapped in a Store Wall For Three Days

After falling through the roof of a Marshal's a Colorado man is trapped in the wall of the department store for three days. With no food, water, light or heat he is lucky he isn't worse off. He hasn't been arrested yet but he is suspected of attempted burglary. 

The temperatures reached single digits during the three days he was trapped which I believe was punishment enough for his failed robbery attempt. The irony of the situation is great because not only was he trapped by the store but he was so close to what he wanted for the three days while also being punished. He is lucky that workers were able to hear him and alerted the authorities of he could have frozen to death within a few days.

Sexism In Victoria's Secret

Upon entering a Victoria's Secret store, men are instantly treated differently. It's obvious how shopping in such a store can make men uncomfortable and make them just want to buy what they need and get out. To meet sales quotas sales people often direct them to the higher priced products and away from sales.

It's funny how a store created for men to shop for women without feeling uncomfortable capitalizes on the uneasiness and makes money off of them. Women know how to take their time and find a good deal so its not possible for the same to be done on them. Victoria's Secret now appeals to women because they make up majority of the customer base.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Addicted to Google Glass

After wearing his Google Glass for up to 18 hours a day it’s not surprising that a 31 year-old San Diego resident became addicted. Though the product isn’t available for sale on store shelves, it is reported to have caused the first case of internet addiction disorder. The man had a history of had a history of mood disorder, including issues with depression, anxiety, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, alcohol, and tobacco.

The internet can consume people’s lives and unfortunately when you are able to access it at anytime from anywhere while doing anything it becomes inevitable. It would be hard not to become reliant on the Google Glass because it makes life so much easier and can do so many things for you. I think if the product becomes widespread so will its downfalls. The world isn’t ready to be surrounded by a technology like that.

Why 2014 Is (or Isn't) The Best Year To Be A Teenage Girl

With the invention of the smartphone and the front facing camera our lives have been changed forever. We are able to meet new people, share information and interests. Our idols have become real people who can be reached at a few taps of a screen. Followers have before power and a social spectrum of sorts. Followers are power just like in the offline world. Teenage girls have the power and they make sure the world knows that.

Teenage girls are power hungry animals. It’s normal to want to fit in and be a part of something. For some people they are able to make friends and reach places they never could before the internet. Without the fans celebrities wouldn't exist and the world would be so different. The internet can be a cruel place run by 13 year-olds but it really has done so many things for today’s society. 

The Sad End to the Samsung vs. Apple War

In recent years Apple has been following Samsung in the high-priced large screened phone world. It took them until 2013 to jump on the bandwagon and now that they have they are taking over. In anticipation for the iPhone 6 unveiling Samsung's sales were down 20%. It's clear now that Apple will continue to dominate the high end market forcing Samsung to release two new lower priced phones to chase a different set of consumers.

It’s sad that Samsung is getting pushed out of the market because they truly do make some amazing phones. Everyone doesn't think twice they just get iPhones because they are simple easy and everyone has them. My Samsung is the best phone I've ever had and I'm so glad I didn't follow the traditional route and get an iPhone. I'm worried that once the high end android users are ready for their new hones Samsung won be able to deliver one because they have been kicked out by Apple.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Unexpected Response to the 'One Child' Policy Change

When China relaxed its infamous 'One Child' Policy to allow for a second child under special conditions they expected a bigger response. As a part of the change a couple may have a second child if at least one of them was an only child as opposed to both. It was estimated that there would be a rise of 2 million births each year but out of 11 million couples eligible only 700,000 have applied.

It’s strange to live in a country like the US and look at the 'One Child' Policy. I grew up in a house with five girls and I couldn’t imagine being an only child. I think because this has been the way they were raised many couples don’t want to stray from the policy. It’s nice that they now have another option and they have more freedom as to the number of children that they have.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Why Google Believes an Interview Should Never Last More Than 30 Minutes

In a typical interview at Google it is very rare to have an interview that last more than 30 minutes. They believe that by cutting the interview down to the core you are able to really make it more productive and find out more of what you need to know. With more substantial discussion Google trusts their interviewers to know if they want to have another one or not.

I think it’s very smart of Google to do this and other companies should follow suit. It cuts out all the unneeded sucking up and really gets to know who that person is and the things they want to do. It also would be nice for the potential employee because half an hour is much easier to sit through than any longer times. The interview limits also help companies from leading them along for too long.

Neighbor's Calm Response to Ebola Next Door

The neighbor of first NYC patient was very calm about being so close to the disease. She says that she knows she is safe because she had no fluid exchange with her neighbor. Unlike most of New York she has managed to stay calm in the face of potential danger.

If I were her I would be panicking right now. Even if I knew I was safe and had no contact I would still be freaking out that it was so close to home. She serves as a great example for the rest of the public because even though she was so at risk she knows that making a big deal of it will not help.

3D Printed Car

The first car with a printed body took many more hours to print but, in only 44 hours Local Motors was able to 3D print parts for a drivable car. There is almost no materials wasted in printing a car which is amazing compared to older methods that only use 1/20th of the materials they receive. The cost is very low because the complexity and material costs are down. Because only one car can be worked on at a time it’s not likely that this method will take over traditional car manufacturing techniques.

It’s amazing that technology like this exists. Anything can be created which can revolutionize the way we think of custom cars. The cost and efficiency is great but I just worry about the safety of these cars. Plastic probably can’t hold up well in an accident compared to a heavy metal car. I would love to try out one of these cars to see what it’s like. 

3 Things You Must Do After a Workout

Experts from Gatorade say that there are three things you should do after any workout. The three R's will help you stay healthy and be ready for your next workout. You should rehydrate, refuel and recover.

Usually after workouts people are satisfied that they did something then they go sit on the couch. It’s important to do these things and make sure you treat your body right. Most people remember to rehydrate but they forget to replace the electrolights, carbohydrates and protein.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Life of a Tetrachromat

Concerta Antico is a tetrachromat meaning she has more receptors in her eye to absorb color than her a normal person. Scientists doubted the existence of this condition until recent years. They have now realized it only occurs in women. She has taken this talent and put it into her impressionist style artwork. Like everything else it take practice to perfect this and strengthen the pathways in the brain.

I think it's amazing that people have this condition and that they are able to work on it and make it more intense. It's hard to know what other people are seeing and to know if they are really able to see more. Her artwork is probably so beautiful to her and others like her. I would love to see the world like she does.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sparing the dog of the Nurse with Ebola

Over the weekend another nurse was diagnosed with Ebola and luckily her dog will be spared for now. The dog of the Spanish nurse was not so lucky. We do not know anything about how Ebola affects dogs and we have no test for it. The dog is being taken to another location to be monitored until his owner can recover.

It is very good that they have decided not to make the premature decision to put down the dog. They are giving it a chance to recover and be reunited with its owner. It is very scary that we do not know how Ebola affects dogs and we have no way to know if it is contagious or not. If they were to release it back into society and it were to cause the spread of the disease a lot of people would die and a lot of people would lose their jobs.

Share Fluctuation for Face Mask And Hazmat Suit Companies'

After the second case of Ebola was confirmed in Dallas this weekend, shares of Alpha Pro Tech and Lakeland Industries sky rocketed Monday. They gained 47% and 33% respectively and have gained more than 250% in the last month. The stocks skyrocketed but now it looks like they are crashing.

When every illness scare, people become more and more paranoid. It is only expected that they would freak out and take precautionary methods. With more and more confirmed cases the stocks quickly rose. The boom was extreme but it has started to calm down.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Medical Visit Compensation for Australian prostitutes

Unlike in the United States prostitution is legal and even advertised in Australia. Due to the risks and issues that come with working in such a field there are strict laws requiring regular medical exams for workers among other things. Since 2010 the government has required that prostitutes pay their own medical bills. It was not until recently that the new Australian Peoples Party says that since they were required by the government they should have been covered. This can result in up to €1,670 ($2,100) in compensation for the almost 600 prostitutes registered in Salzburg, totaling at about €1 million ($1.3 million.)

It is good that Australia has a firm grasp on prostitution and they are making efforts to make it safer for workers and others involved. Laws such as getting checked each week are key in such a job and requiring workers to participate is actually helping them. I do not think asking them to pay for such visits is ridiculous. Their chosen profession hosts certain risks and they must take care of their bodies in order to work, so medical checks are a small price to pay. If they are unable to pay the bills it would be one thing but just getting the money because they can is a waste of the country's money.